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Tag: Denver Homeowners Insurance

Identity Theft Issues

Only Superheroes Need Alter Egos: Keep Your Identity Safe If Superman used Clark Kent's credit card to buy a new cape, Clark wouldn't mind. If Joe bought a new jacket with your credit card, you would definitely mind. You would mind even more if Joe decided to assume your identity and not only use your credit card but steal from your bank account, open an...

Santa Pay Higher Premiums If His Sleigh Is Red?

  Does Santa Pay Higher Premiums If His Sleigh Is Red? Whether or not you believe in Santa is up to you. But regardless of your opinion on the jolly man in red, don't fall for the following myths about insurance for his sleigh (or your car): The color of the sleigh affects the premium: Many believe that a flashy red sleigh is more expensive...

Danger DWD: Danger While Drowsy

Watch Out for DWD - Driving While Drowsy Do you belong to the 37% of drivers who have fallen asleep behind the wheel? It's a dangerous, and common, occurrence: More than 20% of fatal crashes involve a drowsy driver. Each year, an average of 886 fatal crashes, 37,000 injury crashes, and 45,000 property damage crashes are due to sleepy steering. In short, drowsy driving puts...

Homeowners: Here's Help For Halloween Horrors

Homeowners: Here's Help For Halloween Horrors It's a night of candy, costumes and...caution? Halloween is full of fun times, but on All Hallows' Eve many mishaps are possible. Not to worry. From slip and falls to fires to pet bites, your homeowners and renters insurance policies are there for you. If you have these in place, you'll be covered for the most common Halloween B.O.O.'s, such...

Driverless Cars & Insurance?

Driverless Cars and Insurance Issues... For those eager to try an autonomous vehicle, the future is now. Earlier this year, the Canadian province of Ontario announced it will take applications for driverless test car licenses, providing there is a licensed driver to take over if necessary. This raises a question: How will the insurance industry handle automated vehicle coverage? Underwriting: Currently, an insured's accident history,...