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Tag: Colorado Homeowners Insurance

Home Insurance Claim: What To Expect

Pests on the Prowl: Protect Your Car from Wildlife When you consider potential sources of damage to your car, what comes to mind? Most people think of fender benders, major accidents, and natural disasters. There's another category that many vehicle owners overlook: wildlife. Did you know animals can cause serious damage to your car? This goes beyond a deer jumping in front of your vehicle...

Using Landscaping to Lower Insurance Premiums

Landscape Your Way to Lower Premiums on Your Property Properly maintained landscaping can add beauty and value to a property. Poorly developed or neglected landscaping does the opposite. Did you know landscaping has the same effects on insurance premiums? Applying specific landscaping techniques can help keep your premiums low. Here's how: Keep trees trim. Overgrown oaks and extended evergreens can cause property damage, which results...

Drive Safe!

Drive Safe: These Safety Measures Can Reduce Accidents The nation's roadways see more than six million motor vehicle crashes annually, and the most recent information indicates there were more than 37,000 traffic fatalities in the U.S. in 2016. Fortunately, car manufacturers continue to improve safety features to help lower these numbers. Drivers, too, can take steps to reduce their risk of accidents and increase highway...

Avoiding Collisions between Vehicles and Animals

Avoiding Collisions between Vehicles and Animals There are over half a million large animal/car collisions each year. A significant number of these accidents involve fatalities - both animal and human - and most involve major vehicle damage. While these incidents are typically covered by comprehensive auto insurance, the best option is to avoid the accident altogether. Here are tips to prevent an animal/car collision, plus...

Will a Claim Raise My Car Insurance Premiums?

Will a Claim Raise My Car Insurance Premiums? You've been in an accident. What are your initial thoughts? If you're like many vehicle owners, your mind quickly turns to the financial ramifications of the incident: "How much will repairs cost?" "If I make an insurance claim, will this accident increase my premiums?" Too often, car owners don't file a claim for fear of potential rate...