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Tag: Denver Insurance

How to Monitor Your Teen's Driving Habits, and Personal Property Coverage Info

PERSONAL PROPERTY COVERAGE...  Some people think it's mandatory to have a record of all your possessions to get homeowners or renters insurance. This isn't true, but an inventory can still be a valuable tool. While the idea of going through every nook and cranny of your home and creating a record of every item likely doesn't appeal, making an inventory is a good way to...

Rethinking the What, Where and When of Work, and Commercial Auto Insurance

When do You Need Commercial Auto Insurance? Commercial auto insurance or personal auto insurance? That is the question. How do you know which you need, and what defines a commercial vehicle? Auto insurance carriers have specific guidelines that distinguish personal vehicles from commercial vehicles, but these lines blur when it comes to issues such as telecommuting. If you're driving your vehicle to and from work,...

Your Agent can Help Decode Health Insurance Issues

Don't Forget These Simple But Important ACA Changes On January 1, all the provisions of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (ACA) went into force. While many of us have been bombarded with the more complex ACA issues, not a lot of ink is being given to many simple, yet important, changes. Here is a reminder of some key changes to help you get...

Buzzword Bingo is no Way to Gain Co-Workers' Respect, plus Commercial Flood Insurance Info

Be Safe: Sync Your Mobile Coverage to Today's Technology In the mobile universe, technology is changing faster than the speed of light. It seems that every few weeks the tech giants introduce something new, with features that will make life easier for small business. However, many businesses are still operating at normal speed when it comes to the use and protection of their corporate devices....

Avoid the Grinch, and Auto Insurance Info

Deck the Halls: Think Fire Safety and Watch the Christmas Tree According to the National Fire Protection Association, 50 percent of house fires occur in December. The usual culprit? Tannenbaums. So before decorating this year's tree, consider the following: From 2006 to 2010, Christmas trees started an average 240 house fires a year, resulting in four deaths and 21 injuries, not to mention $17.3 million...