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Tag: Denver Auto Insurance

Safety Tips for Teen Drivers

Reduce Their Risk: Safety Tips for Teen Drivers It's time for a teen to get their driver's license. Who is more nervous - the teenager or the parent? Parent anxiety during this rite of passage is understandable. According to the Insurance Information Institute, motor vehicle accidents are the number one cause of death among those age 15 to 20. Fortunately, teens and parents can take...

5 Natural Disaster Facts

6 Questions to Ask Before Buying Car Insurance You need coverage for your car. But what kind of insurance should you get, and how much coverage do you need? As you consider auto insurance policies, ask yourself the following questions to determine the best coverage for your vehicle. Who? Will you be the only one driving your car? If you share the vehicle with others,...

Is Your Vehicle Burglar Repellant?

Is Your Vehicle Burglar Repellant? Every 45 seconds, a motor vehicle is stolen in the United States, according to reporting from the Insurance Information Institute. What can you do to protect your car from becoming part of this statistic? Use the following tips to make your car less appealing and more secure. These precautions can prevent crime as well as keep your auto insurance premiums...

Why Are Auto Insurance Rates Going Up?

Why Did My Auto Insurance Premium Increase? Did your auto insurance rate go up? If you noticed an increase in your premium, this is often due to one of three reasons. Fortunately, there are three things you can do to push that figure back down. Here's the scoop. Tickets: Did you receive a traffic citation? Tickets are a common cause of insurance rate increases. The...

Smart Phones for Smart Plans

Your Smart Phone Can Make Your Insurance Plans Smarter It seems like there's an app for everything these days. Insurance is no exception. With a helpful app, you can enhance your insurance coverage with additional features and convenience. Using the right app can keep your policies organized and allow you to prepare for situations that require claims. For example, do you have an evacuation plan...