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Category: Life And Health Insurance News You Can Use

What to do When Your Health Insurance Coverage is Ending

Life Insurance Can be a Creative Problem Solver Life insurance has traditionally been used to pay for the care of a loved one in the event of your untimely death, but increasingly it's being used in other, more creative ways. There are two basic scenarios in which you would require life insurance in retirement. First, you don't have enough money to cover your final expenses,...

Your Agent can Help Decode Health Insurance Issues

Don't Forget These Simple But Important ACA Changes On January 1, all the provisions of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (ACA) went into force. While many of us have been bombarded with the more complex ACA issues, not a lot of ink is being given to many simple, yet important, changes. Here is a reminder of some key changes to help you get...

Travel Apps Designed for Wherever Your Road Takes You, and Health Insurance Info

Review Your Health Care Benefits Prior to Year-end As the end of the year approaches, many of us are thinking about health insurance; for example, most employers open up enrollment to health care benefits. Newer employees can sign up, and other employees can change benefits. Now's the perfect time to review options, reduce costs or add coverage. But many put off taking action because of...

Avoid These Three Mistakes When Buying a Health Insurance Plan

Term Life Insurance, Is It Right for You? Many of us think of life insurance as something that will last for the rest of our lives - but that's not always the case. So-called "whole" life insurance policies do stay in effect for your lifetime, providing you continue to pay the premiums. "Term" life insurance, on the other hand, provides coverage for a limited period...

Why Retweeting May Necessitate a Retwaction, and Healthcare Info

Time to Get Ready for Next Year's Healthcare Changes As 2014 approaches, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will bring many changes not only for American citizens, but also for doctors and insurance companies. How it Impacts You If you already have health insurance, 2014 will proceed normally. If you don't purchase health insurance, you could incur a penalty. If you purchase health insurance through a...